Thursday, October 22, 2009

Moonlight Fandom - "Show-Centric" Fans VS "Actor Centric" Fans, Etc

I want to state for the record that I am first and foremost a Moonlight Fan, however I am also a fan of all the actors from Moonlight and not just one particular actor in general. 

At one time not so long ago the fans of the unjustly canceled TV Show Moonlight were once a very strong and very united fanbase sadly these days that isn't case. Fans have split into factions that is very evident on alot of Moonlight Message Boards and battle lines have seemingly been drawn.  It's sad really because once upon a time we were all friends. 

There are those who are strictly fans of everything Moonlight(which includes ALL of the actors) and then there are those that are just fans of Alex O'Loughlin that is a fact. 

Here is an example of the battle lines between the fans, over at the CBS Three Rivers Forum there was poll asking which show starring Alex O'Loughlin was better Three Rivers or Moonlight. Go have a look for yourself Three Rivers vs Moonlight I have to say it got pretty ugly over there.  In a way this really didn't shock me, but yet in another way it did because of how many of those posts were just flat out rude and nasty.

I personally feel that they were made just to incite and inflame the already angry tensions that exists between the fans and the many factions that were there to begin with.

In closing let me say that for many of the Moonlight Fans like me that we loved Moonlight because it was a good show it had a great cast that had amazing chemistry with each other, The writing was good, the dialogue was good, The music was amazing and the sets were awesome. Everything about Moonlight just worked.