Sunday, September 5, 2010

Fandom Bashing & Bullying - The Viscious Cycle Of Unacceptable Fan Behavior Towards Each Other Needs To Stop

Okay here is my opinion on this whole matter.

I want to state for the record that I am first and foremost a Moonlight Fan, however I am also a fan of all the actors from Moonlight and not just one particular actor in general, I think I can safely say that we can all be fans of Alex O'Loughlin, Moonlight and Hawaii Five-0 and still have different opinions it does not have to be one way or the other.

A friend of mine recently wrote about Stopping Bashers and I applaud her for it. At one time not so long ago back in 2007-2008 the fans of the unjustly canceled TV Show Moonlight were once a very strong and very united fanbase sadly these days that isn't case. It's sad really because once upon a time we were all friends we all got along despite different opinions, different views and outlooks there was no personal attacks on each other, no threatening each other or bullying each other of any kind people seemed to respect one another, then we had one bad apple that seemingly ruined the fun for everyone and yes there was alot of hurt involved for all of us because of what this one person did.

Since that time many fans have split into factions that is very evident these days on alot of Moonlight Message Boards and battle lines have seemingly been drawn. There are those who are strictly fans of everything Moonlight(which includes ALL of the actors) and then there are those that are just fans of Alex O'Loughlin that is a fact.

There are some fans from another board that feel that it's their right to come to the Moonlight boards and police the Moonlight Fans that have a different opinions then themselves by launching unprovoked personal attacks, intimidation, threats towards fans that disagree with them which in my estimation is nothing more then bashing and bullying tactics. It's because of this type of behavior that some of the fans that were on some of the Moonlight Message Boards either don't post anymore or don't come to boards at all anymore because of fear of being attached by certain group of fans that attack like a pack of hungry lions circling their prey. This type of behavior by fans is totally unacceptable. It does not help Alex O'Loughlin, Moonlight or Alex's new show Hawaii Five-0 when fans attack one another.

Here is an example of the battle lines between the fans of Moonlight and the Alex Fans last year over at the CBS Three Rivers Forum there was poll asking which show starring Alex O'Loughlin was better Three Rivers or Moonlight. It got pretty ugly over there between the fans many of those posts were just flat out rude and nasty by a group of certain fans towards other fans. I personally feel that they were made just to incite and inflame the already angry tensions that seems to be going on now more the ever between the fans and the many factions that were there to begin with. I am already seeing the same thing happening again now with the Alex Fans and those that support Hawaii Five-0 vs. those fans that still support Moonlight nine months later. So I ask everyone can't we all just get along please.

I have firm belief that you should treat people the way you would want to be treated yourself everyone wants to be treated fairly and with respect, when fans pull this type of vindictive & disrespectful behavior towards each other no matter what side of the fence you are on it reflects badly on the reputations of the shows and the actors involved as well the fans as a whole. I would like to think that nobody would want that for the actors, the shows or themselves.