Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Moonlight Fans Trevor Munson's Book That Inspired The Hit TV Show MOONLIGHT- Angel Of Vengeance Release Date Draws Closer & Closer Feb 1st 2011

Well here we go Moonlight Fans Trevor Munson's book Angel Of Vengeance will be released on Feb 1, 2011.  Fans have been waiting for what feels like forever for this book to finally come out, ever since Trevor posted several chapters online which many of us have read anxiously, we have been awaiting this book and now the wait is almost over.

 Those that have read those early chapters online can tell you that the Mick Angel in the book is very different & a little bit darker then the Mick St. John who we met in Moonlight.  Which gives us an idea of the changes that took place to make Angel Of Vegeance into what we saw on TV back in 2007-2008 as Moonlight.

I have no doubt that when you read Angel Of Vengeance you be enthralled from the very beginning.  I have complete faith Moonlight Fans will make Trevor's book a bestseller. You know folks it is important to remember that the sale of the book could not only lead to more Mick Angel or even Moonlight novels, but  it could also show The Powers That Be what MOONLIGHT FANS already know that a MOONLIGHT MOVIE would be a huge success.  So come on fans lets spread the word.

Trevor Munson along side VRO hosts Amy McCracken & Lisa Stevens discusses with Moonlight Fans how Angel Of Vegeance went from Novel to TV in what we know as MOONLIGHT.  During a live interview with fans on The VRO's Moonlight Radio heard on Blog Talk Radio back in June 2010 in South Carolina